Tom Launder, an "American" Terrorist

>> Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When we think of terrorists our mind usually follows with Islamic radicals or cartel members. It's not the grown men who still dress in vampire costumes or a catholic crusader that we'd expect. Nor would you expect to run across one in a chat room that men, women, and children frequent on a daily bases. However, it is a small world we live in. A small world with Tom Launder talking to your friends and family.
To justify asserting that someone is a terrorist I will provide the dictionary definition. Terrorist : a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism. Terrorism : the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes. In this case it would be for religious purposes. Calvinism, to be exact. Am I claiming that all Calvinists are terrorists? Absolutely not!
In all seriousness Mr. Launder has spent nearly a decade in the christian chat section of yahoo promoting violence in the name of Calvinism. Not only is Launder advocating violence but is actually working to create a following that will carry out this task. I'm sorry, did anyone hear Charles Manson in there? Kill the infidel much? Why is this being ignored? In fact Launder has made propositions to other Calvinists to move in with him to perpetuate this so called "ministry." And sadly, but fortunately few, people actually agree with his views after he scolds them and coerces them to his twisted views. People who once had peaceful stances on life.

Why is it that people excuse this type of behavior and propaganda? Is it because Tom Launder is using the Internet? It isn't so cheesy when you figure Islamic terrorists promote terrorism on the Internet all the time. Videos of soldiers being decapitated and quotes from the Qu'ran supporting the genocide of all non-Muslims is hardly a game. So why take it lightly that this man is doing the same with the bible? Obviously this sort of brainwashing works. Otherwise we wouldn't be fighting a war against these atrocities. Again, Tom Launder is nothing more than a terrorist.
Launder, in his own words, states that homosexuals are to be executed. Not only homosexuals but anyone that doesn't support his views. He said to myself once that his intentions are to recreate the crusades. Kill all Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews. You name it. If it conflicts with his perception of reality, Launder wants them dead. It is only a matter of time will people like Tom Launder get their way unless people who enjoy their rights and personal freedoms are actively against this type of behavior.

In a world where religious terrorism is a serious threat it is absolutely necessary to keep a watchful eye on the people that seek to destroy our pursuits of life, liberty, and happiness. Even if Tom Launder fails at provoking others to carry out acts of senseless violence who is to say his cult following won't be dropping their votes on elections to deteriorate the seperation of church and state? We need to educate ourselves, our friends, and family on the tactics of malicious people. We cannot completely stop men and women from advocating violence in the name of God but we can definitely stand against its influence.

(Tom Launder is not the actual name of the man described in the above writing. Tom Launder is a pseudonym for a man that is currently spreading this propaganda in the Christian Chat rooms of and various places of the Internet)



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