Faulty Logic of Theists

>> Tuesday, February 24, 2009

  1. Theists assert that they cannot be wrong, without proof of their beliefs, while expecting conflicting views to contain consistent and well established evidence to support itself.
  2. Theists support belief in claims that have insufficient or no evidence but deny empirical evidence that is contradictory.
  3. Theists, in many cases and extreme amounts of debate, will adapt their beliefs to become seemingly cohesive with conflicting evidence.
  4. Theists who cannot effectively debate conflicting evidence find it logical to adhere to metaphysics to substitute when metaphysics are built entirely upon bare assertion fallacy.
  5. Theists will appeal to scientific laws and theories that don't conflict with their beliefs to support an argument and immediately rule out the ones that do.
  6. Theists will argue that the universe is intelligently designed but cannot swallow the occurrences of down syndrome and whales with leftover leg bones.
  7. Theists often argue that something is wrong or evil if it isn't natural, i.e.: homosexuality (which has been shown to occur naturally) but have beliefs structured entirely around metaphysics and the supernatural, i.e.: god, miracles, and talking animals.
  8. Theists appeal to the idea that the age of a religion reflects its validity. Centuries ago we thought the earth was flat and bloodletting was an acceptable medical procedure, so it's safe to assume older is definitely not synonymous with correct.
  9. Theists assert that their view is the only acceptable one when their beliefs are no more proven than any alternative theistic beliefs.
  10. Theists will state that their religion is necessary and beneficial to humanity when nothing substantiates a necessity and history shows that religion often exacerbates human error. Also, on that note, should we also believe the Sasquatch and Lochness monster?

Faulty Logic of Theists (Explained)

  1. This is in regards to childish behavior as much as faulty logic. Simply put, we come across theists that expect people to accept their beliefs as true without having done any research. They then expect men and women of different beliefs to have gone through excruciating leaps and bounds to substantiate theirs.
  2. I get this all the time. Science has proven something that contradicts a theist's beliefs and it goes in one ear and out the other. This is a problem with theism. Theism cannot admit when it is wrong while science must accept the possibility.
  3. For the theists that cannot refuse the evidence any longer but want to maintain their beliefs they will interpret them differently. In most cases this causes a mistranslation. An excellent example of this is the Hebrew word "Yom" for a 24 hour day in the biblical creation story. Science tells us that the Earth is well over six days old so they deny the literal translation and say that it was one of God's "super long days." How illogical do you have to be to make up new definitions to support your argument? When you are wrong you are wrong!
  4. To paraphrase a complete moron, after I had shown all of his arguments to be based entirely from conjectures, he said to me, " My beliefs are true because my evidence is based from metaphysics. Metaphysics are not testable and so your sciences cannot prove me wrong." WHAT!?? Are you serious? Something is NOT true because it says it is true. This kind of willful ignorance gives me a migraine.
  5. This came from the same genius that I referenced in point number four. He said that life must come from life because it is the law of biogenesis. I reminded him that this is true from an observational standpoint, however abiogenesis is a feasible theory cohesive with The Big Bang. Also, with the conservation of mass and energy, if matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed then God couldn't have created it, according to the same logic. It was at this point he began to tell me about "metaphysics."
  6. If God looking down at Adam and realizing that he forgot to make women is not enough for you, perhaps deformed babies and exploding appendixes are. I don't think our intelligent designer will be able to explain that one very well.
  7. Anal sex isn't natural you say? So what about the talking snakes and zombie Jews? This is Naturalistic Fallacy, by the way.
  8. If you didn't understand this point the first time then there is no hope for you.
  9. I come across plenty of theists that will actually admit they have no proof that their beliefs are true. Now how is everyone Else's wrong, exactly?
  10. Man is not born religious. If you don't believe me then read a book about feral children. There is nothing in science that states mankind has a physiological need to believe or go to heaven. Especially when heaven is not proven. Nor is their a need to be religious in general. Why entertain religion when you can be an upstanding citizen without it? More people have been killed in the name of God than any other source so let's please refrain from putting unnecessary demands on ourselves.



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